Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sometimes we do need days like this. Something to make us sit back and remind ourselves to be grateful. I am grateful for my lovely home, my terrific son, my dogs Versace and Louis Vuttion (this is his 4th Birthday at his forever home- he was a rescue dog that was not adoptable--- and we took him anyway! He has turned out to be a lovely dog- just goes to show what love can do to change an animal or a person). I am grateful I have a job that allows me to provide a Thanksgiving meal for my family, and I am grateful for my friends and family-- and oh grateful for my cat Furbee (another SPCA find- he was a grown up alley cat and looked frightful=plus he is all black and somehow folks are still afraid of blackcats so they often do not get adopted).
Thank you-- for all I have been blessed with.
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Click on the link


1 comment:

terbear55 said...

For my family's health and well being. For the good friends who have stood by me and have/are helping me, I thank from the bottom of my heart.