Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Budget decor

Most of us these days have to watch our budgets-- ughhh! However, for the next few weeks I will be posting budget ideas, to-dos, am doing, and have done projects.

In addition, I will show you some of the great haunts I have discovered for budget products!

In decor, like most things in life- we have to choose when to splurge and when to save.

Marble floors for one client was a splurge- I do believe though in spending on the main elements of a project...... lighting can be a splurge or a save.

Furniture- again splurge or save- repurpose.

Drapery, well I have to admit here I think store bought tab drapes always look like store bought tab drapes and I am a big fan of splurging here- the splurge can be relative though- big or small splurge?

After much deliberation and seeking out fabrics I think we will go with a white silk for a bedroom I am presently working on. The window is small, faces north-east so not too much sun will hit it- as silk 'rots' under heavy sun so this must be considered before splurging on this type of window covering- but sometimes only silk will work!

Stay tuned!

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