Yup, that time- the time of the year when we think of our loved ones and wish to shower them with expensive presents. For many of us- that year is not this year!
While not having the cash flow we may be used to- it is nice to find out what real friends and good times are truly all about-- okay just do not leave out the chocolate!
We all go through tough times and as my grandfather used to say " Suzy--(yes he was an old Indian and did call me Suzy- go figure)--- anyway he used to say "We gather the fruits in the valleys'. Meaning we learn the lessons that take us to the mountain tops while we are in the valleys in life. I have never met anyone that truly learnt good life lessons-(other that what fancy schmanzy brand to buy or how to make more money) in the good times.
SO, we should all be grateful for the opportunity to gather our fruits!
I like to be ahead of the styles- so I have been in the valley for a few years now- and man do I have a harvest of fruit to make terrific 'whine' with!
Actually, I am so grateful for what I have learnt in these past few years- the value, the importance of what is real--- NOW --- Santa-- I have learnt--- can I now sing the famous song from Eartha Kit--- and I will share -I promise!
Wishing you and yours the best Holiday Season with much love. kindness, spirit of charity and of course fun--- okay maybe some chocolate!
Remember- these times too shall pass--- and you will look upon them as some of the best times in your life--- while you wrap yourself up in a new cashmere shawl-- notice even how CASHmere is spelled?
You’re Going to Want to Hang Up This $7 Bow Garland Immediately
Springtime decor, we’re ready for you. *READ MORE...*
4 hours ago
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