I lucked out while visiting a local little bakery in Edmonton and ran into the authors of this cookbook- availalbe at Audreys in Edmonton. I tried to locate this couple and could not in order to ask for more information on them- and could not. I did tell them when I bought the book that I will be placing them on my blog- so this is with their permission.
This cookbook is full of terrific local recipes, some vegan and many local farmers. A great buy.
If you would like to eat at some local restaurants that support local farmers and organic food here is a great list.
1 ) d'lish Meal Assembly Studio--- http://www.dish.ca/
2) Leva- http://www.levabar.com/
3) Jack's Grill-- http://www.jacksgrill.ca/ ***
4) Red Ox Inn- http://www.theredoxinn.com/ ***
5) The Blue Pear- http://www.thebluepear.com/ ***
6) The Dish Bistro & The Runaway Spoon Catering- http://www.thedishandspoon.com/
7) The Blue Plate- http://www.blueplatediner.ca/
8) Accent Lounge- wwwaccentlounge.com
9) Cafe de Ville--www.cafedeville.com ***
10) Wild Tangerine- http://www.wildtangerine.com/ **
11) Skinny Legs & Cowgirls -www.skinnylegsand cowgirls.com
The stars indicate resturants I have eaten at and are - in my humble opinion- terrific!
You’re Going to Want to Hang Up This $7 Bow Garland Immediately
Springtime decor, we’re ready for you. *READ MORE...*
3 hours ago
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