Yes, indeed I could use shares in this company...
The Aesthetic dimension
The second great dimension of human experience is the aesthetic dimension. I have come to believe that we need beauty in our lives just like we need truth. It is every bit as important. Without a regular experience of beauty, people cannot feel their best or be their best, in any activity or in an relationship.
Beauty is the promise of happiness
Beauty always inspires
In a beautiful place, we are more open. In beautiful surroundings, we can be much more creative. Ugliness depresses the spirit. Beauty lifts our hearts and minds. It elevates the emotions and the attitudes."
Lovely words-- words for all of us to live by. A beautiful home is a sanctuary for your soul- a lovely garden does indeed relax you!
Beauty is highly under-rated for it's soothing qualities.
Now go and indulge......
You’re Going to Want to Hang Up This $7 Bow Garland Immediately
Springtime decor, we’re ready for you. *READ MORE...*
4 hours ago
here is a link to a blog post by a friend of mine P.W. Fenton
its about Stendhal's syndrome
its a really beautiful story
WOW! Just read about Stendhals syndrome -- and did not find the beauty story- but will keep looking. However, of coure intense beauty can make a human mind mad!
Look at what men will and have done for beautiful women, what people will do for art, music, yes indeed beauty can make us mad!
What a wonderful madness!
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