Yes, life can be so funny and so very good.
Last night I had the honour of attending the Edmonton Symphony- which I have not gone to in years- with the exception of last year to see Eartha Kit- (what a show-what a kick!).
That was my first time in years- and may I say the conductor, cute and adorable William Eddins puts the AH in orchestrAH. He is not the fuddy duddy type and actually you enjoy watching him- he is a showman- with a personality!
I digress- the seats were perfect, the company a tad too refined and lady-like for my larger than life hyperness. (She is the reincarnation of Jackie Kennedy - I swear- there is a picture of her beside the definition of 'lady' in the dictionary!).
So, here we are to see two French Horn players-I know! I was thinking the same thing.. all the jokes we heard growing up about French horn players. Was there not a line about this in American Pie? Hey! I love the symphony so really was thrilled to go anyway.
Then Allene Hackleman, in her glorious full-length red gown, took the stage-- I had no idea the poor country cousin, french horn we dis-respected, teased and tormented in high school would grow up to be spectacular! Truly, this instrument, when placed in the right hands and with the right lips- is due respect! The other special performance was given by Allene's father, Martin Hackleman was 'okay' too- for a principal horn player of the National Symphony. This is however a girl blog about Edmonton - so Allene gets the kudos!
As I said, I have not been to the symphony for awhile- and I am sitting beside Ms. Kennedy complete with Hermes ( sorry sweets- but gosh I only get to see the real thing when I see you!) and little miss country bumkin (me)
As Mr Hackleman turned to leave the stage after his brilliant performance ..........
"Look, the man playing the violin must be her boyfriend or the brother... he shook the girl's hands as well." (raine)
"I do believe that is the first violinist and that is a traditional sign of respect to the orchestra"
Me sinking a little lower
Well, later Mr. First Violinist also shook hands with the conductor- so I guess lots of the musicians are related!
Later, my friend explained to me--- and then sweetly told me she would look it up at home in a book her husband has "Music for dummies" Wish I had shares in that company.
Below as reported to me - reference "Music for Dummies"
Information Concertmaster.
(aka First Violinist- and to my knowledge is in fact not related to anyone else in ESO)
To the left of the conductor's podium sits the first violinist (lead
violinist)- the Concertmaster. In rehearsal he/she acts as a liaison
between the members of the orchestra and the conductor and determines
when the string instruments move their bows up and down and how long
or short to play a note (so that all violinists are moving and playing
in unison).
He has the highest rank of the violinists. On stage the main duty is
to tune up the orchestra prior to the concert. He usually plays all
of the violin solos within pieces. When the conductor shakes hands
with the concertmaster it is a gesture of greeting or thanks to the
entire orchestra. It is a show of respect and symbol of cooperation.
There we go our etiquette lesson for the week/month- Who knew!
Hugs and kisses to my very own Ms Jackie Kennedy for sharing this wonderful evening with me! Thanks!
Also, do not forget about Symphony Under the Stars- one of my favorite summer events- the symphony in summer, outside, with a smuggled bottle of wine discreetly hid in a water bottle, picnic lunch and music!
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