Finally hot enough-
allow me to cut and paste from one of my readers
Have some more for you
1] Pinocchio's on about 160 st. and about 132ave. Yeah I know it is in the industrial area but they have a big space now. Good
I understand they have also reopened by Italian Centre downtown- my original sin!!
2] exquisite chocolates, you know were, not a good place to go to cause of the chocolate running interference except that may not be so bad together.
Yeah- tried this one- good but very creamy-- almost like ice cream-- instead of the icey texture.
3] Bueno Gelato at 12325 -102 ave. again, chocolate next door, is there a connection going on here?
This one is not bad
There is a place on 109 and just south of the river I have to try and then Italian Centre again---
Pinocchios- I think- I will pass on Exquisite Chocolates- good but not my style of Gelato.
I think a gelato tour is in mind!
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4 hours ago
A few more, maybe some repeated.
1] Spinelli"s Bar Italia
on 19878-95st. I think you have this one; very good.
2] Leva Cafe' on 11053-86 ave. sorry I have not tried Yet but am willing to as I have heard it is good.
3] Dacapo Cafe'[?] on 8738-109st. again I have heard it is good but have not tried.
Hey, I left 3 others on here, did they not go threw?
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