This article could not of come at a better time. While I love browsing the web and the magazines I am addicted to, I have always had a belief that we should buy and re-purpose our things.
I was raised to believe you buy 'slightly' better quality items that have long term use that you can afford- but the catch is these items are be used for the rest of your life. These items are the items your children inherit.
Well made furniture, china ( if you are not lucky enough to inherit some) silverware, crystal never seems to last long in our family so perhaps a cheap on this.
My home is a collection of hand-me-downs, second hand and a few investment pieces I have purchased.
Often, a client will want a new look- and I worked this way before it became 'chic'. I always went through what they had, what they liked and what we could move from one room to another, what we could refinish and recover. In the past my style ethics were considered odd by some.
People had a misconception that 'decorators' just wanted to spend all their money and put a 'stamp' of professionally decorated house on theirs.
I do not believe in this 'overly stylized' concept. A home should reflect the people that live in it- not the decorator. The home should have elements that have been gathered over the years, objects of 'heart' rather than just art objects.
Decor is like style- just because you have masses of money does not mean you have style.
Style is making a look your own not following the masses.
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4 hours ago
we have been using Ikea wardrobes as entertainment units for a couple of years. they have lots of shelf holes,for different height shelves, drawers for CDs, Dvds shelves for stereo/tv components. it is awesome. we have put over 500 cds, 150 dvds, video games , tv, stereo and tv in a very neat, accessible area
Excellent idea- then simply close the doors and your home is clean and uncluttered!
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