Aha- the term I was looking for-
A perfect 'amuse buche would be for example a small piece of dark chocolate with a spicy- pepper or chili ganache-- perfect way to begin a meal!
Amuse-buche and amuse-geules can be loosely translated as fun (tease) the mouth and hors d'oeuvre literally means outside the work, not part of the main meal. Whatever you decide to call them, they all make perfect little bites to "open" the meal or served "en masse" as the stars of the party.
It is when chef is having a lot of free time and do creative thing to amuse you
They're like appetizers, only smaller portions. Just a couple bites to stimulate the appetite.
Amuse the mouth...a gift from the kitchen, in a restaurant, that is intended to stimulate your appetite. (this is the one I remember Europeans using)
Loosely translated in French - - - Tease the Mouth......
An Amuse Buche is a small, single bite of food that is created for the sole purpose of amusing the mouth as a prelude to more courses to come. The person eating it should always want more.
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