I just had an e-mail from Gul Coskun asking me to remove my post regarding his fantastic artwork he presently has in his gallery.
So, the images are down. I would like to point out- to those that are new here- my reason for this blog is to spread the news of beauty,food and fantastic items that can be found in Edmonton and around the globe (generally I do not show mass produced IKEA finds- but have been know to).
My blog has helped spread Jennifer's artwork to many viewers, the chocolate story that ended up in San Fransisco through word of mouth on my blog is so sweet and the increase in sales from the terrific girls from Bragg--- have all made my heart happy.
In this crazy financial time we are living in, the demise of many shelter magazines and the print/electronic news medium changing so rapidly this seems like the most useful tool to help spread life, living and glamour.
To Gul, my apologies but truly my heart and intentions were in the best place for helping you in these times where many are still cutting back on art buys.
Again sorry.
Should any of my readers have unique items I am more than pleased to offer them up to my readers on my blog -- once they have passed my approval (hey- it is my blog) If I don't think the ideas or items are a match I get to make the call!- a little power in this world that is still mine to make!.
You’re Going to Want to Hang Up This $7 Bow Garland Immediately
Springtime decor, we’re ready for you. *READ MORE...*
4 hours ago
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